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Meeting minutes for 2023-06-29

Please find below the meetings notes for our 2023/06/29 session.

0:00James McLeodQuick intro and call to comment on issue #33
0:43Peter Smulovicscovers Antitrust and Meeting Notice slides
2:12Peter SmulovicsIntroduction to SIG meeting and second reminder to comment on #33
2:34Keith O'DonnellIntroducing "dancing Gab"
3:22Keith O'DonnellStatement participant muting and reaction use to unmute
3:43Keith O'DonnellCovering Agenda
4:15Keith O'DonnellCovering the general topics that will be covered in a Zenith SIG meeting.
4:15Keith O'DonnellAnnouncements
Usual schedule, speaking through the monthly periodic nature of the SIG meetings. Peter Smulovics confirms
4:50Welcome & Announcements highlighting topics that will be covered
5:17Overview of POC Program points that will be covered
5:56Overview of the Deep Dive section of general meeting structure
6:18Overview of Any Other Business topics
6:48Example of prioritization change based on recent Apple Vision Pro announcement which expedited conversations about spatial computing
7:12Overview of the Call to Arms section of the general meeting structure
7:30Highlighting that AOB section of the general meeting structure is an open forum for anyone in the community to take the floor
7:54Announcements Slide 1. Talking through 7 blogs posted under and future leverage of Znglists for curated content.
8:47Announcements slide 2. Covering upcoming FDC3 and Morphir events immediately after the Zenith SIG meeting. Also touched the on the Aug 2nd Open Source London meetup, and the November 1 OSFF in NY. Shared the FINOS calendar in chat
9:31Announcements slide 3. Keith covered the early members joining the brain trust: Morgan Stanley, S&P Global, Lloyds Banking Group, Citibank, AXA, Capital One, Linux Foundation, FINOS. Call to arms for more participation.
10:09Overview on brain trust member targets
12:09KeithKeith highlighting that initial technologies being targeted will be Spatial Computing and Quantum Computing.
13:15Keith allows participants to unmute to discuss the third tech priority.
13:28James McLeodasks for clarification on the function of a primer.
13:45KeithKeith explains that the primer is a fundamental understanding of the technology we want to detail out and what stage it is currently at. Additionally, they will cover ETAC landscapes. Keith provides example using 4D printing and hypothetical situations where primers could be leveraged.
16:23Mike WilsonMike Wilson raises hand and unmutes, discusses conversation with large bank around quantative AI, and asks how this non-FINOS member bank could potentially contribute.
17:15KeithKeith explains that once the fundamental primers are released, it is open source through the Apache license allowing folks to contribute. Keith also highlights that Mike should bridge conversation with Rimma for potential membership conversations.
18:45MikeMike makes observation that AI/ML is a hot topic and asks how folks can help drive the prioritization.
18:59KeithKeith makes a suggestion to the call for members to add a comment to issue 33 (#33)
19:25KeithKeith calls out Lloyds who came from their AI labs and are involved in the conversation as a brain trust member, suggesting we also prioritize AI as one of the initial technologies.
19:41Christopher EwenComment on AI/NLP are hand-in-hand. Would be interested in exploring NLP. Keith confirms that there is crossover, however not mutually exclusive. Peter Smulovics elaborates on further overlaps.
20:29Rob MoffatQuestion on whether the primers will link back to finance and identify use cases. Keith/Peter confirms yes.
22:05Rimma PerelmuterAsks that in addition to the finance angle, what kind of USP could be added to further stand out? Additionally suggested to not only look at technology that is here today, but also very forward looking
23:37KeithClarification that primers are meant to provide a holistic picture of what is happening with the topic.
24:12PeterCommenting that we are part of FINOS but also the larger Linux Foundation, and thinking about the larger open standardization efforts.
25:29Mimi FlynnBrought up Regulatory Technology and its reach outside of finance, while commenting that it would be good to understand more of what is out there (call out to Morphir). Specifically that it would be good to take the rules that are written and understand where they conflict. (later in the call Win Morgan shared the link to
26:53KeithWill add that point to the reg tech primer and call out Mimi on it.
26:59JamesComments on overlap with Zenith and Open Reg Tech Sig (Stephen Goldbaum). Highlights that we should safeguard against duplication of efforts.
28:28PeterHighlights that while overlap exists, they are potentially complementary as looking into the future of certain other existing efforts as well.
29:42KeithClarifies that the Zenith mandate is to help explain the future of the tools that are going to be used.
30:18RimmaComments that policy and ethics of efforts links back to the Linux Foundations and the recent release around the importance of digital trust and sustainability. Rimma discussed that tying into the overall EU efforts of ethics and fair use could also be a way to get funding in the future, where bodies are prioritizing open source as an area for driving innovation.
32:04KeithAgrees that this should be one of the things added to the primers. Updates slide to include "ethics and fair use" and "security"
32:53JamesComments that individuals speaking know each other and call to other participants to join in the discussion.
33:50JamesComments about Lloyds Banking exploring IoT. Poses a question to the general audience on whether anyone is looking at different ways to engage banking customers, especially in retail.
34:45MimiMentions she is on the board of an IoT non-profit in NYC, but that they do not have finance related use cases.
34:57Keithwalks through a hypothetical scenario of a live music venue with tactile payment systems, setup through IoT.
35:46Marco ?Brought up fair use and security in relation to connect with distributed ledger technology.
36:48KeithGoes into the crossover with Governance, and overall landscape of DLT and impact to financial industry, tying in to the primer discussion.
38:04Alan HammesAsks why spatial computing is chosen as an area of focus.
38:09KeithComments that it is due to existing expertise within the SIG, specifically Peter Smulovics, Andras Velvart when it comes to spatial computing. Quantum computing was also highlighted for the same expertise through Patrick Downing and Keith's history running quantum tech programs.
39:25Andras VelvartAsks for clarification on the brain trust formation and what a primer looks like. Comments that AI would most likely require multiple primers with different focuses.
40:19KeithExplains primers will be the chalk outline talking about the core technology, and then hierarchal nesting of different parts more in depth. Keith called out Mike Wilson and using Znglists to establish this overarching list.
41:49AndrasAsked a question whether the Brain Trusts would be the ones determining this whole structure.
41:55KeithClarifies that the Brain Trust is setup to open the discourse with the trusted expertise, through recognized SMEs. The Brain Trust adds into the discussion, while Zenith runs the organization of how the program works, but as the community evolves Zenith will have its own set of best practices.
42:32AndrasClarifies that he meant the organization of the subject (AI in this case) not the program itself.
42:43KeithDiscusses that as we post the initial details, Zenith will be looking for people to fork the details, add their own information, and have it reviewed and curated through the program.
43:02PeterMentions he posted the link to the London Member's meeting discussion on the Brain Trust formation
43:22KeithComments that the Zenith group will record a version of the brain trust meeting and post it on .
43:46Mike WilsonBrings up that he dropped a link to next wave technologies as an example for Znglist structure by technology type.
44:15KeithMentions in the interest of time we will move on to the close up.
44:26KeithCall to arms for technical experts to get involved in an interview format for the various technologies. Interested individuals can reach out to us individually, through the Zenith Slack to join the FINOS Slack, then to join the Zenith channel to join the Zenith channel.
45:14KeithDiscusses how the POC program will work in the future, going through the 8 different steps. Alluding to going into more depth next session.
47:03KeithOpening the call to AOB.
47:19JamesCall outs for the August 2nd FINOS London meetup with Scott Logic hosted at Nat Logic
49:10JamesDiscussing the cadence of the SIG being monthly. Asked the call if there was an appetite for at the start to move it to biweekly while the SIG ramps up.
50:05Peter/Keith/Patrick Downingall confirm we are good from the Zenith side to move to biweekly initially.
50:15Mike WilsonAgrees that a move to biweekly makes sense.
50:55JamesComments that the goal of moving to biweekly is to fill up the Brain Trust faster and then get projects into development in FINOS labs.
51:08Keithconfirms Zenith will work with FINOS team to schedule the biweekly addition to existing monthly meeting.
51:43Alan HammesAsking whether minutes will be sent out.
51:48KeithClarifies with James on standard process for SIG meetings.
51:51JamesConfirms that adding minutes to the github issue allows to keep everything in a single location.
52:03Alan HammesComments that not everyone has access to Zoom chat and whether someone could email the links discussed and shared.
52:11Keithconfirms that links will be included in minutes and on the issue.
52:30KeithCall out to as a central location of information.
52:57JamesMentions that if Alan sends a mail to that the minutes would be sent out to the list afterwards.
53:40Keithadds to the slide deck to highlight and adds in that sending a blank email to the list will allow individuals to get on the list.
54:16KeithComments that it is 5 mins to the top of the hour, wraps up conversation, thanks the participants, and closes out the call.